Are you a fisherman?

Matthew 4:19 – Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.

As Jesus was beginning His ministry He was walking along the shores of the Sea of Galilee and chose His first two disciples, Peter and Andrew, when He uttered the above verse to them. Jesus didn’t choose disciples for the fun of it.  Jesus chose people he was going to train to go out and share the “good news” of the gospel with a sin-filled world. The disciples didn’t know that then but Jesus knew from the beginning. What good would it have been for Jesus to die for our sins if He left nobody to carry on and share the “good news” with the rest of the world?  The key was to teach these new disciples how to “fish”; to hook them and haul them into the boat of God’s kingdom as His possession.  Once Jesus taught the disciples how to fish for men they were expected to train others to do the same thing.  Fishing for souls and pulling people out of the fires of hell is serious business.

Once you are a Christian you are a disciple of Christ and another synonym for disciple is “fisher of men”. Disciple and fisher of men are two names that mean the same thing. We are a disciple but what we do is fish for men. We are what we do.  Whenever you see the term disciple in Scripture think “fisher of men” and you’ll always have God’s primary command to you before your eyes and at the forefront of your mind.  You are not only what you do, you are what you think. Say it out loud “I’m a fisher of men” and say it repeatedly in order to train your mind to make it a reality. In the Bible God says you can have what you say so keep saying “I’m a fisher of men” and pray for it also.

God will give you your wish because it’s a promise in His Word and God cannot lie. It’s God’s will and fondest wish for you and because you have asked. In Scripture God says to ask of Him what you will and it will be given to you if it’s according to God’s will, and it is!  Ask God to make you a fisher of men and you’re in God’s wheelhouse! God has been waiting and hoping you’d ask for this so be prepared to be blessed beyond belief. As a fisher of men you must “go” and not wait for men to come to you.  I’ve tried that so I know that doesn’t work as well.  Make others aware of what you’re about and then the choice is theirs when they’re ready to talk with you.  Don’t be pushy but be available.  They will come.

Rom 10:15 – And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, who bring glad tidings of good things!”

Lk 14:23 – Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.

Acts 1:8 – But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.