Questions and Answers

In my previous blogs I’ve addressed the questions all of us have about life. No matter where we live or what nation we hail from we all want to know the same thing. Who am I? Why am I here? Is there more than this? Where am I going? I watch all the religious programs on TV for inspiration and because I can’t get enough of God. My thirst for God is real and ever present, just like it says in Scripture. One of the shows I’ve watched a little bit is “Discovering the Jewish Jesus”, hosted by Rabbi Kirt Schneiderman. Mr. Schneiderman has been advertising a new web site on TV which uses videos to answer the questions about life that we all have. I don’t do videos myself but I know they are powerful learning tools. I encourage you to check out the videos at “”.

I’ve read numerous books on the life of Jesus and they all come to the same conclusion. We have only three options when it comes to Jesus. We must decide whether Jesus is a liar, a lunatic or the Lord. All the historical evidence supports Jesus as a real person, the Son of God, who came down from heaven to die on the cross in our place. Jesus is who he says he is. Choose well, and you must choose, because your eternal destiny hangs in the balance. Eternity…eternity…eternity. Human beings have a hard time getting a grasp of the concept of eternity. Time means nothing in eternity. If you live another ten billion years you haven’t moved an inch toward the end of eternity because there is no end!

John 8:24 – (Jesus speaking) – “Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for if you do not believe That I am He, you will die in your sins.”

The only way to heaven is by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Repent, or turn away from your sins and turn toward God. Repentance simply means to change our thinking from a world view to a spiritual view. This renewal process of the mind is accomplished by prayer and by reading and studying God’s Word daily. This is a gradual day by day process until our actions reflect what’s in our heart. If you don’ believe in Jesus and don’t accept Him as Lord and Savior, then John 8:24 clearly indicates you will die in your sins, without forgiveness.

That means a just God will have no other choice than to give you what you deserve when you die. You will go to hell. The Bible states that the wages of sin is death, spiritual death, for an eternity apart from God. If you find yourself before God at the white throne judgement you already know you’ve missed the grace of God and stand in judgement for your sins. God’s angels will hurl you into the lake of fire after judgement. You have a choice! Act now!